Heat Health Alert Thursday 16 June
Thursday 16 June 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a 'Heat Health Alert' from Services for Children (SFC) .
Tomorrow is possibly going to be a very hot day. The information from SFC says:
' There is high confidence for temperatures to rise significantly ....
becoming hot or very hot in central and southern areas. The peak of the heat is expected on Friday, with
daytime maxima likely to reach into the low to mid-30s of Celsius across large parts of central and
southern England.'
Please could we ask you to ensure that your child:
- is wearing a named hat to school (if possible, a wide brimmed hat)
- has sun-cream on before they come to school
- has their water bottle with them (this can be topped up throughout the day)
At school children will:
- Not be outside for prolonged periods of time, especially at lunchtime
- Be encouraged to remain in shaded areas when outside.
- Not participate in vigorous activities
- In ventilated rooms, as much as we are able to do this
- Be reminded to be drinking water throughout the day.
Kind regards
Carolyn Wilkinson