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Liturgical Colours


We are a Church of England School having been founded by the local parish. Details of our Christian Values - Love, Courage and Respect can be found on the Vision and Values page of our website.

Our Trust Deed, dated 1871, clarifies our Christian foundation:

Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church at parish and diocesan level. The school aims to serve its community by providing education of the highest quality within the context of Christian beliefs and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers all its pupils.

Church Visits

Our children regularly visit our local churches (St John's Forton, Holy Trinity and Christ Church) to worship, to learn about the significance of symbols in the church and also to learn about how people worship there. 

Our KS2 children participate in a traditional Carol Service at St John’s Church each year. This act of worship includes carols, both traditional and modern, readings, presentations and prayers. Children, staff and parents are welcome to attend the service. The children also lead a whole school Easter service and Pentecost at St John’s Church. The school community also come together for a Christingle Service held at St John's Church which is popular with all ages.

Year 6 attend the Portsmouth Diocesan Leavers' Service at Portsmouth Cathedral each July.

Children in the school choir participate in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary's Church, Alverstoke and also have opportunities to take part in choral services at Portsmouth Cathedral throughout the year. 

Collective Worship

In all Church of England schools, collective worship reflects the traditions of the Church of England and develops learners' understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.

Our daily worship takes a variety of forms.

  • Monday - Whole School Liturgy  led by the headteacher or Father Godfrey
  • Tuesday - Whole School Collective worship led by a leader from Haven Church  2:30-2:50pm
  • Wednesday - Collective Singing Practice and prayers
  • Thursday  - Class Collective Worship (Picture News)
  • Friday -  Whole school Celebration Collective Worship

Our Collective Worship is planned around a weekly theme focused on the liturgy and our core values. We usually explore one value per term whilst making continuous reference to all three. We reflect on the theme and think about how our Christian Values can help us to make positive life choices. The elements of spirituality are interwoven into each worship. While it is a Christian act of worship, we welcome children of Christian faith, other faiths and no faith to our worship and ensure it is planned to enable all children and staff to benefit without compromising their beliefs.

Collective worship in our school gives children and school staff the opportunity to:

  • Engage in an act of community
  • Express praise and thanksgiving to God
  • Be still and reflect
  • Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events
  • Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
  • Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ
  • Affirm Christian values and attitudes
  • Share each other's joys and challenges
  • Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar

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