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Governor Introductions

Jean Watson BA (Hons) MA (Theology)   Chair of Governors.    

Link Governor – English, Phonics, Drama, R.E. Collective Worship, Performance Management and Attendance

As a committed Christian, I have worked in mainstream education and in the church, with children, youth and adults for all my adult life.   I am passionate that all children should have access to the best education we can provide to enable them to reach their full potential.   With two young grandchildren of my own, I keep abreast of changes and movements in education.   I lead music in my church and belong to two music groups.

Jamie Hutchison

Local Authority Governor - Music, Art and Drama

I am a Retired Warrant Officer, Royal Navy. I am a councillor for the ward of Hardway, and was Mayor of Gosport for 2022-2023.  I am a project manager and Trustee for Elson community library and comittee member of Friends of Hardway.  I am married to my wife, Karen, and live in Gosport.

Hayley Mizen 

Foundation Governor

Term of Office: 2021 - Present

I have been a teacher currently for 15 years working in both senior schools and further education. I currently teach Sport, Uniformed Proctective Services, Health and Social Care, and I'm the Netball Coach at St Vincent College. I have 2 sons who are currently in year R and Year 2 at St. John's Primary School, and have had strong links over the years with the school, being a student there myself growing up. My hobbies are a range of active pursuits, including sailing and netball, camping and hiking. During the lock downs I became a very keen gardener, now with my own allotment. 

Adam Wickham - Parent Governor

Term of office from 18 Feb 2022 to 17 Feb 2026

Governor for History, Geography and French/Foreign Languages

Member of Pay Committee

I am a design engineer for a gas sensor manufacturer in Portchester where we range from industrial sensors to medical/domestic sensors. I have 2 children with one currently at St John's in KS2. I enjoy spending time with family & friends, I enjoy various sports but my favourite is golf.

Rev’d Dom Jones - Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor - Safeguarding Governor

Term of office from 20 Jul 2018 to 19 Jul 2026

Rev’d Dom Jones is the Lead Chaplain for Hampshire Constabulary, he is originally from Cornwall but moved to Hampshire in August 2017 to work for the Police. Dom has experience of School Governing in two Cornish schools and was previously the Governor for Data and RE. Dom was asked by the Diocese of Portsmouth to be a Governor at St. John’s and joined the board in the summer of 2018. Dom is currently vice-chair of Governors and has responsibility for Safeguarding. Dom and his wife have a daughter who was born in May 2020 and a dog and a cat.

Helen Oldridge

Foundation Governor 

Term of office from 25th March 22 to  3rd June 2026

I work in Oceanographic research leading a diverse group of engineers to deliver the UK's marine science program. Prior to this role I spent 12 years as a marine engineer officer in the Royal Navy, and three years leading the technical team for a commercial fluidic component design and manufacturing company.   I'm passionate about the STEM subjects and hope to bring my experience and enthusiasm to these and other subjects to the school.  I live with my partner, two labradors and a one eyed, three legged cat in Lee-on-Solent. In my spare time I can mostly be found cycling in search of coffee and cake.

Peter Darcy

Foundation Governor 

Term of office from 13th May 2024 to  12th May 2028

I am originally from Plymouth and spent most of my career in various management roles in the food distribution industry.  Following redundancy, we moved to Gosport in 1992 and I again became a manager in the fruit and vegetable section of the food distribution industry.

In 1997 after again being made redundant I started my own Industrial Training Business using all the skills and qualifications gained throughout my career. I am now retired.

My church life started at childhood and currently I am the Church Sexton at Holy Trinity. I am also responsible for the Health and Safety, and Fire Safety of our church. I also serve as a Thurifer and Sides person.

I am a member of the PCC of Haven Church and currently Deanery Treasurer. I am also on the Diocesan synod.  With a young family I was elected a Parent Governor in Plymouth and became both Deputy and Chair of Governors. I also headed a campaign to save our local Secondary School.

The first years of education are the most important and the experience and knowledge and motivation we can pass on, is a vital supplement to the good formal education children are provided. I am fully committed to help the school in any way I can.

Hilary Bremner

Foundation Governor 

Term of office from 3rd June 2024 to  3rd June 2028

Born in Leeds and brought up in London, I qualified as a teacher in 1977 but then had a “gap 10 years” working as a life assurance underwriter and having two children. We have rather a family history with St John’s as it was my children’s and my granddaughter’s primary school, and where I worked for the last ten years of my teaching career until I retired in 2015.  Since retirement I have spent my time between family, being Chair of Trustees/committee for 2 local choirs, and until recently, volunteering as Joint Chair of Trustees for a local crisis support charity.

Ali Renn

Parent Governor 

Term of office from 24th June 2024 to  23rd June 2028

I'm the Head of Fundraising and Marketing at a national youth development and outdoor learning charity based in Portsmouth. I grew up in Gosport and am a former pupil of St. John's. My mum worked at the school for many years and from September 2024, both of my children will also be pupils, so I have a deep rooted connection to the school. 

Mr Andy Grand - Clerk to Governors