Ofsted & SIAMS
St John's Gosport C of E Primary School was last inspected in July 2024.
Highlights from the report include -
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective; the school has robust systems and procedures along with an open, vigilant culture.
- Behaviour is exemplary across the school. Pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning and these develop strongly in the early years. There is no poor behaviour – there are very high expectations of all children at all times by all staff. Children were able to explain to inspectors the difference between unkindness and bullying.
- Provision for SEND pupils has improved and when the curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of individuals, these pupils achieve well.
- The provision for pupils’ personal development is exceptional.
- The school has a strong, inclusive culture.
- The school has a clear ambition for all pupils to achieve well.
- Pupils are happy and secure in this friendly and welcoming school.
- The school has a calm, orderly atmosphere which contributes to pupils’ well being and to their enjoyment of school.
- The school has tackled weakness in provision with urgency, commitment and growing success
- The school’s phonics programme is well organised, supporting pupils’ reading, with high expectations
- Leaders have accurately identified the areas in need of rapid improvement. The work in these areas has started and is making a difference.
In addition to these points outlined in the report the inspectors fed back many other positives to the governors, local authority and senior leadership including:
- Inspectors highlighted the exceptionally strong relationships between children as well as adults and children.
- Attitudes to learning across the school were very positive, pupils were well focused in lessons and were keen to share what they are proud of.
- Subject Leads know and understand their subjects well.
- In Art there is a clear vision which has been well thought out and is delivered in a unique way. The ambition in the art curriculum exceeds the National Curriculum in terms of knowledge – the inspector said art is taught at a high level, as much as in KS3.
- The school fosters a love of reading with a diverse range of resources and activities on offer.
- There is a very positive picture for writing in the school, with quality cross-curricular writing.
- EYFS is well led with a carefully thought through ambitious curriculum for all pupils.
- Inspectors recognized that the school has introduced new planning in recent terms and that there needs to be more time for all of this work to come to fruition.
- Leadership and Management of the school; leaders have taken decisive action and have prioritised training for all staff.
Our Early Years Provision was particularly praised by inspectors and was judged as ‘strongly good.’ Comments included:
- Excellent leadership which has transformed the provision and outcomes for all groups of children
- There were no gaps in data for any groups of children as leaders are passionate about closing gaps.
- Planning and sequencing of learning has been really carefully thought through by the early years team
- Subject knowledge of staff is very strong, demonstrating a clear understanding of child development and knowing that one size does not fit all.
Please click the below link to view the latest Ofsted report for our school
As a Church of England school, we also have a SIAMS inspection every 5 years.
SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.
Our last inspection was in June 2024
Through the Christian values of love, courage and respect, the Christian vision is clearly expressed and deeply rooted at St John’s School.
- The vision shines through the support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those considered more vulnerable. It shapes the inclusive learning experience for pupils.
- A strong understanding of spirituality is shared by staff and governors and encouraged through high quality collective worship.
- The clear vision creates a caring culture in which pupils and adults are treated very well.
You can view the full report below